What is the difference between a free SSL certificate and a commercial certificate? Print

  • SSL
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What is the difference between a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate and a commercial certificate?

1. The free Let's Encrypt certificate is short-term and is valid for no more than 90 days, unlike the paid one, which can be issued for up to 1 year. You can, of course, reissue the certificate every 3 months, but be sure to keep an eye on the deadlines.

2. Not all domains can be protected with free Let's Encrypt. This certificate is designed to protect only one domain without company verification, the so-called DV SSL (Domain Validation).

Thus, the following types of certificates cannot be created using Let's Encrypt:

- OV SSL (organization validation) certificates, which involve verification of not only the domain, but also the company;
- EV SSL (extended validation) certificates. A certificate with the maximum degree of protection and a green browser address bar;
- Multi-Domain SSL type UCC;
- Code Signing SSL.

3. An important point - there are no financial guarantees for using Let's Encrypt. If a free certificate is suddenly hacked, no one will provide you with monetary compensation.

You can always purchase commercial SSL from us

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