Disabling a domain before the end of the period Print

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Early deactivation or deletion of a domain name implies deactivation or deletion of it before the registration deadline.

Procedure for deactivating and deleting a domain
Early deactivation or deletion of a domain is carried out by an official letter or application from the current domain owner:

If the domain name is registered to a legal entity, a letter on the organization's letterhead, with the organization's seal and the signature of the manager is required. Along with the letter, you must provide copies of documents certifying the right to sign the director and its authenticity.
If the domain name is registered to an individual, copies of the first and second pages of the passport certifying the signature and containing a photograph are provided along with the application.
Domain deletion is carried out within one business day from the date of receipt of the corresponding official letter or application.

The company has the right, at its discretion, to take additional measures to establish the authenticity of the application or letter, and the domain owner is obliged to provide additionally requested documents.
An official letter or application will only be considered after the original is submitted.
An official letter or application must indicate the domain name without www, typos or spelling errors, erasures or corrections.
The balance of funds for the unused period of operation of a domain name when it is disabled or deleted is not refundable

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