What restrictions apply to web hosting? Print

  • 119

Current restrictions:
The maximum number of simultaneous connections (max_user_connections) is 100;
Only internal connections are available to MySQL, external connections are closed;
PHP Memory Limit - 128 MB (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - 512 MB);
PHP Max Execution Time - 30 seconds (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - 120 seconds);
PHP Max Input Vars - 1,000 (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - 10,000);
SSH support (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs);
Maximum traffic - 100 GB/month. (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - unlimited);
PHP Max Upload Size - 64 MB;
List of disabled PHP functions;
The maximum number of resource records of each DNS type is 200;
The maximum number of subdomains and aliases is 30;
Outgoing connections via non-standard ports/protocols are limited;
The maximum disk space size is 30 GB;
With 10 incorrect authorization attempts, your IP address will be blocked by the security system for 1 hour;
The Customer's load on the Internet channel should not exceed 5% of the Contractor's total Internet channel;
The maximum number of outgoing messages for one mailbox is 180 per hour;
The maximum message size, including service headers, is 64 MB;
Installation of additional libraries is prohibited;
To prevent unwanted correspondence, outgoing SMTP connections are closed. To send mail messages you can use PHP mail

The Customer does not have the right to use the resources provided by the Contractor to run software, the operation of which may lead to disruption of the Customer’s software and hardware complex, as well as networks, software, hardware and/or information resources of third parties, or to gain illegal access directly or indirectly to information of third parties persons, it does not take into account whether such software is used by the Customer with intent or without it.

If limits are exceeded systematically and/or the Customer does not take measures to normalize the situation, after a warning the resource may be blocked.

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